
A PlantLock user in London asked about growing potatoes in her PlantLock. Whilst not recommending plants with delicate stems, we decided to give it a go ourselves. The result: fresh-dug potatoes for lunch.

Recent sightings

Emma’s been cycling around and photographing PlantLocks on and offher route from Peckham to Kentish Town.

A Hackney BikePort

Lots of people say “ooh I wouldn’t leave my bike out front where I live!”. However we have many, many customers with PlantLocks and BikePorts in their front yards in Hackney – a place where bike theft is not a stranger.
No one has lost a bike.

Spring’s here...

At last, the warm weather, and more & more people are cycling. PlantLocks at schools are full of bikes.

PlantLocks for Listed Buildings.

Since PlantLock requires no concreting-in, PlantLock is being specified for Listed Buildings and other sensitive environments. Grade 2 listed Colvestone school installed 14 for children, staff & visitor bike-parking.

PlantLock deliveries by bike.

AV2Hire deliver all their equipment to customers by bike, using 8 Freight cargo-bikes, here just managing 2 PlantLocks as well. Front Yard Company make local deliveries with a CarryFreedom biketrailer.

PlantLock & Community Gardens

King Henry’s Walk Garden and Culpeper Community Gardens have PlantLocks for their secure bikeparking, adding extra planting containers for members herbs, veg, & flowers.

photo: Lindsey M Clarke

photo: Lindsey M Clarke

Local authorities using PlantLock for secure bikeparking

Brixton has its first on-street PlantLocks on Acre Lane & Stockwell Road. Planted with a mixture of low maintenance, drought-tolerant plants (sedums, alpines, wildflowers), and hebes & flowering annuals, shops are caring for the planting. Â Â

Waitrose using PlantLocks for their new stores

Cyclists shopping at new Waitrose stores in St. Neots, & Buckingham, now have PlantLocks to securely lock their bikes to PlantLocks to support bicycles while loading up panniers.